EIO'CHA VOTARY BATTLE CADRE Despite having pledged themselves to the Farsight Enclaves, the Gu / Gue'vesa :: Tau Drone :: Tau Empire (Tau, Тау) :: Warhammer 40000 (wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник) :: Lian Wei How :: artist :: фэндомы

artist Lian Wei How Tau Empire Gue'vesa Tau Drone ...Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Despite having pledged themselves to the Farsight Enclaves, the Gue'vesa inhabitants of Eio'cha remain deeply religions. The former Imperial Shrine World of llluminas now sends its best and brightest off world to fight in the name of the Harmonious Creed, for the

Chiton Infantry Support Platforms are versatile combat robots widely used by Votary Battle Cadres of Eio'cha. While possessing only a rudimentary machine spirit, each turret can be operated by a single spotter, who can also be carried aloft on short range repositioning

EIO'CHA VOTARY BATTLE CADRE Despite having pledged themselves to the Farsight Enclaves, the Gue'vesa inhabitants of Eio'cha remain deeply religions. The former Imperial Shrine World of llluminas now sends its best and brightest off world to fight in the name of the Harmonious Creed, for the Greater Good of Mankind. Its Votary Battle Cadres are armed with locally manufactured equipment that combine human and T'au technology, conceived by radical Edified Enginseers who have likewise defected to the Farsight Enclaves. 1. Infantry Armor modeled after T'au Recon Armor. Nanocrystalline ceramite plating over a ballistic and thermal resistant polymer microfiber weave. 2. Votum Pattern Flechette Rifle. Rapid fire mass driver firing kinetic penetrator ferro-ceramite darts. Includes single shot integrated grenade launcher. 3. Talion Pattern Infantry Shortsword.
INFANTRY SUPPORT PLATFORM Chiton Infantry Support Platforms are versatile combat robots widely used by Votary Battle Cadres of Eio'cha. While possessing only a rudimentary machine spirit, each turret can be operated by a single spotter, who can also be carried aloft on short range repositioning flights. Well armed, highly mobile, and able to punch well above their weight, Chitons are a major element of Eio'cha's military contributions to the Farsight Enclaves. 1. Twin Heavy Coil Repeaters fire ferro-ceramite darts as kinetic penetrators or shrapnel bursts. Main weapon can be replaced with a mortar or heavy cannon. 2. Emergency manual firing trigger. 3. Gravity anchors to counter recoil. 4. Spotter's fire-control Blacksun Filter. 5. Cadre command net uplink.
Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,artist,Lian Wei How,Tau Empire,Tau, Тау,Gue'vesa,Tau Drone
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Выглядят, конечно, внушительно, стоит признать.
Как бы ересь, но если можно будет с него стрелять, летя на нём же, то я в деле.
Можно для тех, кто не осилил стену текста, это техника людей, которые решили перейти на сторону большого бобра, или переделанные трофеи?
Kestrel Kestrel 08.02.202118:08 ответить ссылка 0.5
peisah peisah 08.02.202118:14 ответить ссылка -1.1
Не да, а людские отряды из систем Тау.Обычных имперских солдат только за использование винтовки ксеносов расстреляют,куда там специфичная броня и бот.
что реально расстреляют если в бою подхватил что нить что может стрелять?
Не верь, это всё ксено-хаоситская пропаганда!
А есть видео, как они ходят на поводках рядом с тау?
FuIIIgrim FuIIIgrim 08.02.202118:15 ответить ссылка -2.5
так вот что это за хрень была за спиной
Tyekanik Tyekanik 08.02.202118:49 ответить ссылка 0.0
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