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Ungrim and the dwarfs defend Avenheim thanks to Gelt’s Crucible but, in the end, they sacrifice themselves while imperials and bretonnians flee. Ungrim’s slayers fight against Zhufbar’s hosts.

Nagash offers Mannfred to the elves as a sing of good will, snaring him in a prison made of death magic.

Be’lakor frees Mannfred and tells him the truth about Lileath. He is later found by Jerrod (Be’lakor’s plan all the time) and tells him the truth about Lileath. Jerrod lets Mannfred live, who then flees and calls her. She admits the truth, saying that she is the Lady of the Lake, and also that she pushed Bretonnia out of the Stone Age and saved them from the greenskins and themselves. She says that she won’t ask for forgiveness, because the sacrifice of Bretonnia was needed to create the Haven. Then Be’lakor appears when Jerrod is about to kill her. They both fight and the demon defeats Jerrod (but does not kill him), and turns to kill Lileath, but Malekith and Tyrion pop out and trap Be’lakor.

Jerrod returns to his people and tells them about the Lady. They decide not to fight alongside the treacherous elves, returning to Bretonnia. No more is known of them.

After the fall of Averheim, the Incarnates face the daemonic host. The battle is hopeless, so Lileath sacrifices willingly to Teclis in order to give him the needed power to move them to Middenheim. A titanic battle takes place there, and the incarnates travel to the caverns located beneath the city, where Archaon, the Swords of Chaos, and the 4 greater daemons with their respective hosts are waiting. Grimgor fights Arachaon and almost defeats him, but Archaon manages to kill the orc. Then Archaon faces Sigmar, the Emperor, who after a long battle defeats him, throwing him inside a rift created by the Old Ones’ artifact that the chaos guys activated to destroy the world. The surviving Incarnates, aided by Teclis (who now holds the winds of Fire and Beasts), try to close the rift. They could have succeeded, but Mannfred betrays his master (Nagash) killing Gelt. Teclis tries to absorb the wind of Metal, but fails and dies, so the rift feeds on them and sucks out all the Incarnate’s powers. Archaon appears again, climbing out of the rift, and faces SIgmar one more time. They both are last seen fighting against each other, with Ghal-Maraz being held by Archaon as Sigmar tried to smash him. Meanwhile, Malekith saves Alarielle from being crushed by debris, and then she and Tyrion turn their backs and walk away while the Eternity King dies in pain, with his legs crushed. They both look back at the growing rift while the darkness swallows them.

Game Over.
Кхорно Герой.
K..IO Skarr Bloodwrath has carved a path of Chosen b> Khome when he was just a w p	Cod s name Khorne will
ever since So >ong as ho contino« »^lence and bloodshed lot Skarr die. creating a never-ending cycle of violence
As a favoured servant of Khome. it s no
А вы знали что у евер чоузена есть тян?

Giselle Dantziger. Former Sister of the Imperial Cross. Giselle, who had carried from the Hammerfall the Liber Caelestior – heavy with the secrets of Archaon’s future and inescapable damnation – and changed the fate of all the world. The friend whom Archaon had made prisoner. The prisoner whom Archaon had taken as a lover. The girl who was in equal parts his death and salvation. Whose heart, even in this damned place, still beat with simple devotion to the God-King who had abandoned her touch. Whose touch was torment, burning with an indomitable purity. Whose touch Archaon could not seem to live without. She tripped and stumbled under the weight of the furs in which Archaon had buried her. Woolly hides that he had skinned from the shaggy beastfiends of the continental interior and that had formerly protected the half-breeds from the murderous cold.
Немного профилей если кому интересно.
Isabella the Accursed
6 T BS s TwV,
*»	5	5
* 8 6
Isabella the Accursed is a Lords choice which
can be included
^........................430	points
Troop Type
Infantry (Spectat Character)
B Daemons of Chaos or Grand Legion of the Everchosen army. MAGIC:
Добра пожаловать в новые мир(ы). Вспомнилась шутка от ребят с варсира: И тут Зигмар и его зиг-марины!
P.S кто сказал Мурок?
Прилетел в Дальтазара.
Вроде да, но там мутное дело.
Империя в осаде и в целом страдает, Кислев вообще ни как его поделили на ноль в первой книге. О том как Вейдер стал батькой всех эльфов можно в третей книге "Кхейн", но если кратко: Он по плану Азуряна должен был стать феникс кингом, но не продержался в пламени буквально пару секунд, Азурян подумал что он не достаточно суров и замутил всю это историю с Наггаротом. Для справки все феникс кингы кроме батьки Малекита, были читаками и входили в пламя под маг резистом, что Азуряну не нравилось и он их проклинал(сводя медленно с ума). Потом по событию третей книги был махачь, эпик, драма(санта бардара), безумный Тирион, безумные эльфы, свадьба с эвер квин в Атель Лорене.