Наггаротские типы. / Dark Elves :: Warhammer Fantasy (Warhammer FB) :: lordcarmi :: фэндомы

Dark Elves lordcarmi ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

Наггаротские типы.

Darfr Elites: People you can see c^ísiTínoj flJa^aroiti. - The Bruchii
The Bruchii are united in Their hdTred ef all <5lher lioinoj'lhinijs, ruled eoer Ly iTalehilh -The dreaded UiiTch Finí] ef ^a^arelh.
’TdTftay MtfTA Sp/
“The Hydra is aTTTanic LeasTeflhe meunTaios, u/hese
Darfr Elites: People you can see c^ísiTínoj flJa^aroiti. - The Bruchii The Bruchii are united in Their hdTred ef all <5lher lioinoj'lhinijs, ruled eoer Ly iTalehilh -The dreaded UiiTch Finí] ef ^a^arelh. HyDftAS' BREECH ’TdTftay MtfTA Sp/ “The Hydra is aTTTanic LeasTeflhe meunTaios, u/hese ill-Tempered and raoeneus ndiure has preoenlhe deem ef many an unsuspeclinc] mersel.” DlSRest^CTfUU SiSTeR OF SlAUSHfc* 1bUCH/ SiiTTeR CF SIP06hTcK "are firsT ai The undisputed queens oflhe arena Blackguards of kIagGproup "They are recruiTed frem The effsprinej ef families hfcjh in The Uiifch Fincj’s faoeur." SfttiSFieD GoU> OM£ DREflP V04l6rt^ “Barh Piders are The eyes and ears ef Bari? Floes' armies, aclincj as liijbTninij fasT sceuTs Thai can edlrun eoen The fasTesThersemen.” ACHIEVED PIFATE cheerful PIRATE soSPiaoUS Inn Keeper Aue/s PRcaEMS SOWER 0FFEN5ED BWcP SJ5lcR HEDÜME Har Ganeth Har Ganeth ( t eXECUTiodeR EXE CUTLER ^ HCW-j SENSifive DAR* RIPCR "There is a mid cede ef eH^ueTTeTe help preTecTlhe nebilily frem assassins. Unless <p\ summened, a lea/bem elf may neT appreach a/ilhn Three stoerd lengths ef a nehle. Vjitcx euf ThoOGTfol DfZcAPLAP/ BlCODWRACK HeDU5A£
Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Dark Elves,lordcarmi
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у вас там это, корсарский хуй видно))
И не только у корсара, но у и питомца выше. Теряешь хватку, мастер
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