I * 7 Y Presented to His Royal Highness, Elector Count Alberich Haupt-Anderssen, Grand Count of / FB Map :: FB Other :: Vampire Counts :: Warhammer Fantasy (Warhammer FB) :: Andy Law :: фэндомы

Vampire Counts Andy Law FB Map FB Other ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 
Presented to His Royal Highness, Elector Count Alberich Haupt-Anderssen, Grand Count of Stirland, Prince of Wurtbad, and Overlord of all Sylvania

and the other territories of
may MORR and SIGMAR preserve us AIT.
\iSsHES .
I * 7 Y Presented to His Royal Highness, Elector Count Alberich Haupt-Anderssen, Grand Count of Stirland, Prince of Wurtbad, and Overlord of all Sylvania A MAP OF HAUNTED SYLVANIA and the other territories of EASTERN STIRLAND may MORR and SIGMAR preserve us AIT. \iSsHES . fc'1 n'wrh'^$$F 1 ^ARROW^rfi Tfip , HILLS yrnrZSi r^coÔ°r><' i '%à ** < LvtùJofjl S*Jf/' "orjp nr> ÇFHurtfn Brigaodt H2SSS w SCHRAMLEBEN Pappenhcim «£* r* Maylh? . ..." trim s'/4 Wr\ MlTTLENBURG ttfci on; Avcrridge Shrtrxé MC Gadà* &3SΣ *A ! ,-fv. <&v-r № -9#\* .The Lost Hold of Sigmaringen i>F'lk,n!»uxnJu Wi-¡ffi»« g '"¿a ^sagSfts&*^toÿS\^ vxJ — Province Border +*++ — Grand Province Border Scale in Imperial Miles io 20 30 40 so Your Highness, 1 am compiled to admit the farthest 1 have travelled into the County of Sylvania is the ill-defined border lying in the shadow of Kdnigstein Tower. When l read warnings carved into an ancient border marker I found there (which also boasted a reliquary housing the holy remains of a nameless hero who died in Morris service), 1 realised I could better serve your Highness elsewhere; so, I returned to Wurtbad and studied 'your libraries instead of your land. This chart is the result of that work, and depicts everything 1 could learn of your eastern holdings. However, as mar\y of the relevant sources are extremely old-some dating bad: to the first Vampire Wars—1 am unable to guarantee the ( accuracy of this map. The only way to be sure of the details would be to mount a Survey Expedition, a task that would require very brave, or very foolish, men. 1 have also taken the liberty to detail the three south-eastern Provinces of Stirland—those wrongf ully contested by ambitious Averland—to aid your highness with any future taxation plans concerning those isolated territories. ^ ^ ^ $,■ COPYRIGHT © GAMES WORKSHOP, 2 f) / t / f f a { I ? / ( < ) ) y
Vampire Counts,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Andy Law,FB Map,FB Other
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Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB фэндомы FB Comics Sylvania Vampire Counts Empire (Wh FB)

'идеть мертвых им оы не впервой конечно Так же и находка очередного брошеного трупа в Лесу Теней не была чем-то необычным Но все равно, каждый из них содрогнулся, взглянув на покойника и представляя себе те жуткие мучения, которым его подвергли перед смертью. Лучше, как говорят в здешних краях