Ward save, Large Target, Terror, Unbreakable, Unstable, ■mate Elemental, Impact Hits (D3), Howl of the Great st& Swiftstride.
wl of die Great Beast: So long as it is not already engaged ombat, the Incarnate Elemental of Beasts may unleash a cing howl in the Shooting phase that freezes
L(mi>yrms are one ^:hc most rauiait tyrmures to vefbundm the Old World, a distant kin to it* mighty winged Dragons that otue ruled ¡hr 5*
V 'Aits. Lomnastoi believe tin! note Adr scaled forms swarmed in ¡be prsmordLii oceans of rite Old World, but now they are rarefy heard of save 4
/ armine, or Encarmine Dragons as they are sometimes known to dark legend, are strange and rare beasts even among their storied kin. They are bom, it is said according to arcane lore, when a dragon lair in svbieh it is spawned has become saturated by Shyisb, the Amethyst wind of death, whi