Monsters and Elementáis: Lammasu Great Taurus / Bale Taurus LORE: Th8 Lammasu is a Man / K'daai :: Monstrous Arcanum :: Great Taurus (Wh FB) :: Lammasu :: Miniatures (Wh FB) :: Chaos Dwarfs :: Library (Wh FB) :: Warhammer Fantasy (Warhammer FB) :: Chaos Siege Giant :: фэндомы

Lammasu Great Taurus (Wh FB) Chaos Siege Giant K'daai Monstrous Arcanum Library (Wh FB) Chaos Dwarfs Miniatures (Wh FB) ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

Monsters and Elementáis: Lammasu Great Taurus / Bale Taurus LORE: Th8 Lammasu is a Manticore-like Chaos creature with the body of a gigantic bull, a powerful mece-tipped tail and a massive, ugly head. Th8 Chaos Dwarfs believe that the Lammasu is a rare mutation of the Great Taurus, a creature

Monsters and Elementáis: Lammasu Great Taurus / Bale Taurus LORE: Th8 Lammasu is a Manticore-like Chaos creature with the body of a gigantic bull, a powerful mece-tipped tail and a massive, ugly head. Th8 Chaos Dwarfs believe that the Lammasu is a rare mutation of the Great Taurus, a creature whose forbears were once Chaos Dwarfs, but which has become twisted by the powers of Chaos into a huge bull-shaped monster. The LammBsi/s ancestry is evident in its tusked head, its thickly curled beard, snd its considerable intelligence. It is a creature mfch magical properties. It breathes not ordinary air but the power of magic itself, drawing into itself th8 power of the Winds of Magic. As it exhales the creature breathes out whirling clouds of black sorcery v/hich wreaths themselves around the Lammasu, enwrapping it with protective power by protecting it from hostile spells. Ths Lammasu is the favourite mount of the Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers. K'daai Destroyer LORE: The Great Taurus or Bale Taurus is a huge and terrifying monster with ths body of a massive bull and membranous wings like a dragon These creatures are stabled in great pens beneath the Temple of Hashut, the bull god of the Chaos Dwarfs. Powerful Chaos Dwarfs ride Great Tauruses into battle. The creature bums with a terrific intensity, so that its whole body is wreathed in fire Bnd smoke. Indeed, so angrily and so hot does the Great Taurus1 skin bum, that swords and axes become molten end blunt in th8 very process of striking it. When it moves across the ground sparks fly from its hooves and lightning plays about its feet. It breathes fire in great snorting bursts and black smoke curls from its gaping mBw. The Chaos Dwarfs believe that the Great Tauruses were once Chaos Dwarfs, and that they were mutated by the warping power of Chaos into living bull-furnaces like the statue of the god Heshut himself. LORE: Chaos Siege Giants are amongst the most powerful v/eapons within the Chaos Dwarf arsenal, hulking behemoths that combine the strength of the Giant rac8 with the nigh-impenetrable armor of the Chaos Dwarfs. Giants are som8 of the mightiest creatures to stride across the world. They are simple-minded brutes whose huge strength and callousness alone is enough to wreak havoc simply by their passing. Far larger then the K'daai Fireborn as shock troops by the Chaos Dwarfs, K'daai are massive constructs created in the form of mighty warriors or iron beasts, such as gargantuan monstrous bulls and other nightmarish creatures, awakened by mass blood sacrifice and let loose upon the enemy. The High Priests of Hashut have succeeded almost too well in the creation of the K'daai Destroyers, for they are near-mindless, elemental forces of destruction, and need to be laid to rest as cold and silent metal until they are required in battle, where they burn bright and terrible, but briefly. Chaos Siege Giant
Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Lammasu,Great Taurus (Wh FB),Chaos Siege Giant,K'daai,Monstrous Arcanum,Library (Wh FB),Chaos Dwarfs,Miniatures (Wh FB)
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