Warhammer Fantasy

Warhammer Fantasy

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FB Песочница Dwarfs (Wh FB) Wind Rose Folk Metal #Metal ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

WIND ROSE - Gates Of Ekrund

From the fortress old
The dwarves on the gates are crying for war
And coming with the night the blood will flow
Before their home
There's no turning back anymore
From the fortress old
They're holding the lines and ready to die
They stack on the walls
The swarm has arrived
At the gates of their home
There's no turning back anymore
Here we are, at the gates of the mountain
Hold the line
We're alone but no one was left behind
We are outnumbered as defenders
Overrun, but there will be no surrender
Here we are, at the gates of the mountain
Hold the line, feel the breath of the horde
That's charging us
We are outnumbered as defenders
Overrun, we will answer to their fire with fire!
Fire! Fire!
Fire and Stone
We came from the forge together
And we'll answer to the call
With Fire! fire!
We'll kill them all
As long as we are together
At the gates we'll not fall
Dark is night, not a star in the sky
Will shine on us, we're alone but no one
Was left behind, with desperation in our eyes
We wait to die in the forthcoming attack
ORCS AHEAD! At the gates of the mountain
Hold the line
Feel the breath of the horde that's charging us
We are outnumbered as defenders
Overrun, we will answer to their fire with fire!
Fire! fire!
Fire and Stone
We came from the forge together
And we'll answer to the call
With Fire! fire!
We'll kill them all
As long as we stay together
We will answer to their fire with fire!
Fire! Fire! Fire!
Fire with fire
Fight the fire with fire
We will answer all, there's no choice anymore
Dwarves of Ekrund reunite together
In front of the gates of the fort
No step back for us
We stand firm like a wall made of stone
Dwarves of Ekrund reunite together
Defending the gates of our home

Lord of Change (Wh FB) Tzeentch (Wh FB) Chaos (Wh FB) Devin Manning Keeper of Secrets (Wh FB) Slaanesh (Wh FB) Great Unclean One (Wh FB) Nurgle (Wh FB) Khorne (Wh FB) Skarbrand ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

Lord of Change (Wh FB),Tzeentch (Wh FB),Chaos (Wh FB),Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Devin Manning,Keeper of Secrets (Wh FB),Slaanesh (Wh FB),Great Unclean One (Wh FB),Nurgle (Wh FB),Khorne (Wh FB),Skarbrand

Lord of Change (Wh FB),Tzeentch (Wh FB),Chaos (Wh FB),Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Devin Manning,Keeper of Secrets (Wh FB),Slaanesh (Wh FB),Great Unclean One (Wh FB),Nurgle (Wh FB),Khorne (Wh FB),Skarbrand

Lord of Change (Wh FB),Tzeentch (Wh FB),Chaos (Wh FB),Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Devin Manning,Keeper of Secrets (Wh FB),Slaanesh (Wh FB),Great Unclean One (Wh FB),Nurgle (Wh FB),Khorne (Wh FB),Skarbrand

 -, i t . е . J ^ 4,Lord of Change (Wh FB),Tzeentch (Wh FB),Chaos (Wh FB),Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Devin Manning,Keeper of Secrets (Wh FB),Slaanesh (Wh FB),Great Unclean One (Wh FB),Nurgle (Wh FB),Khorne (Wh FB),Skarbrand


smokedpaprika Karl Franz Empire (Wh FB) r63 ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,smokedpaprika,Karl Franz,Empire (Wh FB),r63

Greenskins mossacannibalis artist Night Goblins Snotlings Gnoblars Ogre Kingdoms Goblins (Wh FB) Goblin Wolf Riders ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

Greenskins,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,mossacannibalis,artist,Night Goblins,Snotlings,Gnoblars,Ogre Kingdoms,Goblins (Wh FB),Goblin Wolf Riders


Kislev Total War Warhammer 3 FB Games FB Other ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

Yuri Barkhov, Chosen of Ursun

Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Kislev,Total War Warhammer 3,FB Games,FB Other



Victor Saltzpyre Warhammer Vermintide FB Games FB Other Warhammer Vermintide 2 Witch Hunter Empire (Wh FB) ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 


Tomb Scorpion Tomb Kings FB Песочница технический пост ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

Могильные скорпионы - это мощное изобретение культа Усопших, созданное из камня, металла, лакированного дерева и кости. Они закапываются глубоко и атакуют внезапно, вылетая из-под земли и осыпая противника дождем из песка.


Green Knight Bretonnia FB Песочница технический пост ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

Зелёный Рыцарь — священный защитник Бретоннии, и его духовная сущность связана со страной и самой Владычицей Озера.


Throgg Chaos Troll Chaos (Wh FB) Gotrek & Felix Dogs of War Bretonnia FB Humor FB Other Louen Leoncoeur ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

 'ШНИЩР,Throgg,Chaos Troll,Chaos (Wh FB),Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Gotrek & Felix,Dogs of War,Bretonnia,FB Humor,FB Other,Louen Leoncoeur

Throgg Chaos Troll Chaos (Wh FB) FB Песочница технический пост ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

Трогг, Король Троллей, является одним из самых неестественно умных из своего гнусного рода, намереваясь привести мир под власть нового ледникового периода с самим собой во главе. Древний зверь, чьи мутации были связаны не только с телом, но и с разумом — Король троллей, обладающий мрачной и злобной хитростью, стремящийся перемолоть царства людей под своим чудовищным правлением.

Фэндом - сообщество фанатов Warhammer Fantasy (+12464 картинки, рейтинг 162,182.9 - Warhammer Fantasy)