Age of Sigmar, миньки и правила
Зигмарины с крыльями никого не напоминают? Даже круче, чем простые зигмарины, бл.
Ну вот этот товарищ еще ничего, но слишком много налеплено на нем, как по мне.
Что может быть важнее кейсов.
Спрей -_-
Ну и еще чуток слухов других:
WD говорит, что форма базы не важна.
Будет 9 реальностей смертных, на основе 8 цветов магии, а девятая это хаос.
Сигмар правит из Азурхейма, и когда зигмарин умирает, он возвращается туда.
4 Великих альянса:
Порядок: Stormcast Eternals, Steamhead Duardin (гномы), Red Slayers (наемники, возможно Империя?), Aelf, и Seraphon – воины-ящеры из ниоткуда.
Хаос: бистмены, ВОКи, демоны, вроде также крысы.
Смерть: нежить.
Разрушение: Orruks, Grots, Ogors, и прочее бессчетное зверьё.
Последовательность хода:
Hero Phase – касты и командные способности используются здесь.
Movement Phase – движение в дюймах, написано на карточках. 5 дюймов новый стандарт. Нельзя приближаться в 3 дюйма к противнику. Бег добавляет D6 к движению. Полет игнорирует модели и террейн. Отряды, которые начинают движение в 3 дюймах от противника могут либо стоять, либо убежать на свою дистанцию движения.
Shooting Phase – отряды, которые бежали или отступали не могут стрелять. Бросок на попадание и ранение делается как обычно.
Charge Phase – в 12 дюймах от врага. Нельзя было отступать, бегать, или находиться в 3 дюймах от врага. Дистанция чарджа определяется на 2D6. Нужно дойти в 0,5 дюйма до врага, иначе чардж провален и никакие модели не двигаются. Реакций на чардж нет.
Combat Phase – бьются чарджившие, или отряды в 3 дюймах от врага. Два шага: подтягивание на 3 дюйма к противнику, атака рукопашным оружием.
Battleshock Phase – 2d6 + потери. Насколько этот бросок больше показателя Храбрости отряда, столько моделей из этого отряда убегает и убирается из игры. За каждые 10 моделей в отряде дается +1 к храбрости.
Правила боя:
1. Бросок на попадание. Не WS против WS, а так, как написано в карточке, в независимости кто кого бьет.
2. Бросок на ранение. Не сила против тафны, а по профилю оружия из карточки.
3. Спас-бросок. Написан на карточке, модифицируется показателем Rend оружия.
tere you can see lour of me uiarscroiis you'll lind in me u/arnammer Age 01 Sigmar siarter sei. mere's oleniv morel LORDCELESTANT PROSECUTORS ■««■■■ w0 •mUn » — LIBERATORS BLOOD WARRIORS W№TE 0WA» 25
ALSO IN THE USE Of SIBMJR SOHO SET... In addition to the stunning collection of Citadel miniatures presented in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar starter set. there's a host of other goodies to savour. Perhaps the most exciting thing in the box. after the jaw-dropping miniatures, is the 96-page book detailing the opening battles of the Age of Sigmar. It's unlike any book we have ever published, so hold on tight because there's a lot to say about it Right from the outset you're plunged Into the Age of Sigmar The Mortal Realms are in turmoil, devastated by the forces of Chaos, and only Azvr, the Realm of Heavens, remains unsullied, its gates locked to the forces of Chaos. Behind its walls, the Cod-King Sigmar has striven to forge a weapon to fight back the darkness His work Is now complete Slgmar's Storm, long in the making, has finally broken The Stormcast Eternals have arrived Quite a lot to take in, we think you'll agree As you read through the book you'll discover more of the age we now live In. of the time of Chaos and the Age of Myth, the wortd-that-was and the Mortal Realms The prologue Is nothing short of monumental in its magnitude, a suitably mind-blowing introduction to Warhammer .Age of Sigma: that sets the scene for the epic story that follows. Slgmar's Stormhosts have been unleashed and Chaos will feel their wrath. So-:«* p»n *nt. 03 tuXKCfMrtO’-t.-»? t v rt.f atu-er IXoj >ou can mb no «*c sf tt» bo«’i itrufij wtKhWuleaS&wj: MakdmfeQtt* ««nnjttftlMcfC» A0i or Sow». 1(buy c*3 Vo« ccwrg «I t* ruWs rr« 9*"*. in asarrfcV gade j town; V2J l»W »tu*5 Jj №* nrirw!;»«, UdCO. tW ir*»innjsscija«d« pjHCftfmfcr <i>«tsbi t«5Knrc.«rEl9vali Thoswhwfletfic# gtomupWc«! artwork fWirnj Vinjut HuTrrf-it.rjj #«) KmjicoKia 20 WHTE OV.Aif
rARHÄMME AGE of SIGMAR -vV Warhamnter: Age ofSigmar put» you in command of a fore* of mighty warrior*, monsters and war engine*. Ihis rule» sheet Contain* everything you need to know in order to do battle amid strange and sorcerous realm», to unlca»h powerful magic, darken the >kie* with arrows, and crush your enemies in bloody combat! THE ARMIES Before the conflict begins, rival warlords gather their most powerful warriors. in order to play, you mu« first muster your army from the miniature* m your collection. Armies can be as big as you like, and you can use as many models from your collection as you widi. The more unit» yr>u decide to use, the longer tlte game wail last and the more exciting it will be! Typically. a game with around a hundred miniatures per side will last for about an evening, WARSCROLtS & UNITS AD models are described by warscrolts. which provide all of the rules for using them in tlic game You will need war»crolls for the model* you want to use. Misdcls fight in units. A unit can have one or mote models, but cannot include models that use different war«roll*. A unit must be set up and finish any sort of move as a single group of models, with all models within I" of at least oeic other model from their unit If anything causes a uni! to become split up during a must reform the next time that it moves. TOOLS OF WAR In order to tight a battle you will require a tape measure aisd some dice. Distances In Warhamtner AgeofSlgnsar arc measured in inches <*), between the closest points of tit* models or units you're measuring to and from. You can measure distances whenever you wish. A model» base isn't considered part of the model tfs iust there to help the imxle! «and up - Ml don't include it when measuring distances. Wortrammer: Age of Sigmar uses six-sided dice (sometimes abbres tated to D6). If a rule requires v ou to roll a D3, roll a dice and halve the total, rounding fractions up Some rules allow you to re roU a dice roll, which means you get to roll some or all of the dice again. You can never re-roll a dice more than once, and rc-rolls happen before modifiers to the roll (if any) arc applied THE BATTLEFIELD Be they pillars of flame, altars of brass or haunted ruins, the realms are filled with strange tights and deadly obstacles. Battles in Warhammee Age of Sigmar are tough! across an intin ite variety of exciting landscapes In the Mortal Realms, from desolate volcanic plains and treacherous sky temples, to htsh jungles and cyclopcan ruins. The dominion of Chaos is all. pervading, and no land is left untouched by the blight of war. These wildly fantastical Landscapes are recreated whenever you play a game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar The table and scenery you use constitute your battlefield. A battlefield can be any flat surface upon which the models can stand -for example a dining table or the floor and can be any site or shape provided it's bigger than 3 feet square. First you should decide ir. which of the seven Mortal Realms the battle will take place. For example, you might decide that your battle will take place in the Realm of Fire. Sometimes you'll need to know this in order to use certain abililics. If you can’t jgrer on the realm, roll a dice, and whoever rolls highest decide* The best battles are fought over lavishly designed and constructed landscapes, but whether you have a lot of scciscry or only a small number of features doesn't matter! A good guide ts at least 1 feature for every 2 foot square, but less ts okay and more can make for a really interesting battle To help you decide the placement of your scenery, you can choose to roll two dice and add them together for each 2 foot square area of your battlefield and consult the following table: Roll Terrain Features 2-3 No terrain features. 4-5 2 terrain features. 6-8 1 terrain feature 9-10 2 terrain features. II 12 Choose from 0 to 3 terrain feature«. MYSTERIOUS LANDSCAPES Tlte landscapes of the Mortal Realms can both aid and hinder your warrior*. Unless stated otherwise, a model can be moved across scenery but not through it (so you can t move through a solid w all, or pass through a tree, but can choose to have a model climb up or over them). In addition, once you have set up all your scenery, either toll a dice on the follow ing table ot pick a rule from it for each terrain feature: THE SCENERY TABLE Roll Scenery 1 Damned: If any of your units are within 3" of this terrain feature in your hero phase, you can declare that one ts making a sacrifice. If you do to. the unit * offers 1)3 mortal wounds, but you can add I to all hit rolls for the unit until your next hero phase. 2 Arcane: Add 1 to the result of any casting or unbinding toEs made for a wxrard within 3* of this terrain feature 3 Inspiring: Add I to the Bravery of all units within 3' of this terrain feature. 4 Deadly: Roll a d>;< for any model that makes a run or charge mow across, or finishing on. this terrain feature- t>n a roll of I the model is slain. 5 Mystical: Roll a dice ir. your hero phase for each of your units within 3* of this terrain feature On a roil of I the unit is tietuddlcd and can't be s*icctcd to cast spells, move or attack until your next hero phase. On a roll of 2-6 the unit i* ensofceiied. and you can re toll failed wound rolls for the unit until your next hero phase. 6 Sinister. Any of your units that arc within 3' of this terrain feature tn your hero phase cause fear until your next hero phase. Subtract I from the Bravery of any enemy units tiu! are within 3* of one or more units that cause (car.
THE BATTLE BEGINS thunder rumbles high above as the armies take to the battlefield. You ire now ready for the bonk to begin, bnt before it Joe» you nun »et up your armies for the corning conflict SET-UP Before »citing up thetr armie*. both player» roll a dice, rolling again in the ca»e of a tie. The player that rollt higher mu»t divide the battlefield Into two cifual-slxed hake»: their opponent then pick* one half to he thetr territory. Some example» of thi» are »liown below, Your Territory ягmy Tenitor У Your'Territory Enemy Territory I he player» then alternate Kiting up unit*, one at a time, darting with the player that woo the earlier dice roll. Model» mux! be »et up in their own territory, more than 12’ from enemy territory. You can continue »etting up unit» until you hase »et lip all the unit» you want to tight in thi* battle, or have run out of »pace. This 1« your army. Count the number of model* in your army - thi* may come in useful later. Any remaining unit» are held in reserve, playing no part unleu fate lend* a hand The opposing player can continoe to *ct up unit*. When they ha\e 6ni*hed. *ct-up 1» complete. The player that finUhcc »etting up first always chooses who take* the tint turn in the first hattlc round THE GENERAL Once you luxe finished »etting up all of your units. nominate one of the model» you «et up a« your general Your general ha» a command ability, as described in the rules for the hero opposite. GLORIOUS VICTORY In the Mortal Realm» banks are brutal and uncompromising (hey are fought to the bitter end. »vith one udc able to claim victory because it ha> destroyed its foe or there are no enemy model« left on the field of bank. Hie victor car immediately claim a major victory and the hooour» and triumph» that are due to them, whde the defeated mun repair to thetr lair to lick their wound» and bear the shame of failure. If it has no« been possibk to fight a bank to it» concluvlon or the outcome a not obvious, then a result of sort» can be calculated by comparing the number of model» removed from play with the number of model» originally set up for the battk for each army. Expressing these as percentage* provide» a timpk way to determine the winner. Such a victory can only be claimed as a minor victory For example, if one player lost 75% of their starting models, and the other player lost 50V then the player that only loti 50*» of their models could claim a minor victory. Model* added to your army during the game (for example, through summoning, reinforcement*, reincarnation and »0 on) do not count tow ards the number of model* in the army, but mu»t be counted among tlie casualties un army »utfer*. SUDDEN DEATH VICTORIES Sometimes a player may attempt to achieve a sudden death victory. If one army has a third more models than the other, the outnumbered player can choose one objective from the Hidden death Ublc after general* are nominated. A major victory can be claimed immediately when the objective 1» achieved by the outnumbered player. TRIUMPHS Alter any Midden death objective* have been chosen, if your army won a major victory in its peevmuv battle, roll a dice and look up the re»ult on the triumph tabk to Ihe right. THE SUDDEN DEATH TABLE Assassinate: The enemy player pick* a unit with the Htno. Wizard. Priest or Monster keyword in their army. Slay the unit that they pick. Blunt: The enemy player pick« a unit with five or more models in thetr army. Slay the unit that they pick. F.ndurr: Have at iea*t one model which started the battle on the battlefield trill in play at the end of the sixth battle round Scire Ground: Pick one terrain feature in enemy territory. Haw at least one friendly model within 5' of that feature at the end of the fourth battle round. THE TRIUMPH TABLE Roll Triumph I -2 Blessed: You can dungc the result of a singk dice to the result of your choosing once during the battk 3-4 Inspired: You can re-roll all of the failed hit rolls for one unit in your army in one combat phase 5-6 Empowered: Add 1 to your general's Wound« characteristic BATTLE ROUNDS Mighty armies crash together amid ihe spray of blood and the crackle 0/ magie. Warhammer: Дge of Sigmar is played in a *ene* of battle rounds, each of whtch is »pid into two turn* - one foe each player. At the »tart of each battk round, both player* roll a dice, rolling again in the cave of a tie. T he player that rolls highest decide» who take* the first turn In that buttle round. Each turn conciitc of the following phases: 1. Hero Phase Cast 1 pel'll and use heroic abilities. 2. Movement Phase Move units across the battlefield 3. Shooting Phase A truck wiik missile weapons. 4. Charge Phase Charge units into eombat. 5. Combat Phase Pile In and attack with melee »capons. 6. Battleshock Phase Test the bravery of depleted units. Once ihe first player ha» finished thrir turn, the »exond player take* theirs. Once the second player ha* also finished, the battk tound is over and a new one begins. I i 1 f
PRE-BATTLF. ABILITIES ' Some warvcrolls allow you to use in ability ‘«fief set-up is complete'. These abilities are *ks1 before the first battle round. If both armies have abilities like this. l»oth player* roil a dice, re-rolling in the case of a tie. The ptayer that rolls highest gets to use their abort« first, followed hy their opponent. HERO PHASE As the armies close in, I heir leaders nse sore crons abilities, make sacrifices to the gods, or give strident commands. b your hero phase sou can use the wizards 0 n»r army to cast spells (see the rule* for wizards on the last page of these rules). b addition, other units in your army may kx*c abilities on their war sc rolls that can be used in the hero phase. Generally, these f can only be used in your own hero phase However, it an ability says it can be used 0 every hero phase, then it can be used in ecur opponents hero phase as well as your own. If both play ers can use abilities in a L fcoo phase, the player whose turn it is gets so use all of theirs first COMMAND ABILITY b pour hers» phase, yxmr general can use command ability. All generals have the siring Presence command ability, and ir may have more on their warscroll. Inspiring Presence: Pick a unit from your army that is within 12* of your general. The unrt that you pick sloes not have to take (Mdleshock tests until your next hero phase. MOVEMENT PHASE Ihe ground shakes to the tread of marching/eel as armies vie for position. Start your movement phase by picking one of your units and moving each model in that unit until you've moved all the models you want to. You can then pick another unit to move, until you luxe moved as many of your units as you wish So model can be moved more than once in each movement phase. MOVING A model can he moved in any direction, to a distance in inches equal to or less than the Move characteristic on its warscroll. It can be moved vertically in order to climb or cross scenery, but cannot be moved across other models No part of the model may move further than the models Move characteristic. ENEMY MODELS When you move a model in live movement phase, you may not move within 3' of any enemy models. Models from your army arc friendly models, and models from the opposing army arc enemy models. Units starting the movement phase within 3" of an enemy unit can cither remain stationary or retreat. If you choose to retreat, the unit must end its move more than 3* away from all enernv units If a unit retreats, then it can't shoot or charge later that turn (see below) RUNNING When you peck a uni! to move in the movement phase, you can declare that it will run Roll e dice and add ihe result to the Move characteristic of all models in the unit for the movement phase. A unit that runs can't shoot or charge later that turn. FLYING If the warscroll for a model says that the model can fly. it can pass across models and scenery as if they were not there. It still may not finish the move within 3" of an enemy m the movement phase, and if it is already within 3” of an enemy it can only retreat or remain stationary. SHOOTING PHASE A storm of death breaks over the battle as arrows fall like rain and war machines hurl their deadly payloads. In vour shooting phase you can shoot with models armed with missile weapons. Pick one of your units. You may not pick a unit that ran or retreated this turn. Each mode! in the unit attacks with all of the missile weapons it is armed with (sec Attacking). After all of the models in the unit have shot, you can chooic another unit to shoot with, until all units that can shoot have done so. CHARGE PHASE Howling bloodcurdling war cries, warriors hurl themselves into battle to slay with blade, hammer and claw. Any of your units within 12" of the enemy in yxiur charge phase can nuke a charge move. Pick an eligible unit and roll two dice. Each model in the unit can move this number in inches You may not pick a unit that ran or retreated this turn, nor one that is within 3' of the enemy. The first model you move must finish within W of an enemy model. If that's impossible, the charge has failed and no models in ihe charging unit can mose in this phase. Once you've moved all the models in the unit, you can pick another eligible unit to make a charge, until all uiuts that can charge have done so. COMBAT PHASE Carnage engulfs the battlefield as the warring armies tear each other apart. Any unit that has charged or has models within 3‘ of an enemy unit can attack with its melee weapons in the combat phase Ihe player whose turn it it picks a unit to attack with, then the opposing player must attack with a unit, and so on until all eligible units on both sides have attacked once each. If one side completes all its attacks first, then the other side completes all of its remaining attacks, one unit after another No unit can be selected to attack moee than once in each combat phase. An attack is split into two steps- first the unit piles in, and then you make attacks with the models in the unit. Step 1: When you pile in. you may move each model in the unit up to 3" towards the closest enemy moslel. This will allow the models in the unit to get closer to the enemy in order to attack them. Sicp 2: Each model in the unit attacks with all of the melee weapons il is armed with (see Attacking). BATTLESHOCK PHASE Even the bravest heart may quail when the horrors of battle take their toll. In the battlcshock phase, both players must take battlcshock tests for units from their army that have had models slain during the turn. Ihe player whose turn il is tests first. To make a battlcshock test, roll a dice and add the number of models from the unit that have been slain this turn. For each point by which the total exceeds the highest Bravery characteristic In the unit, one model In that unit must flee and is removed from play. Add I to the Bravery characteristic being used for every 10 models that are tn the unit when the test is taken. You must choose which models flee from the units you command.
ATTACKING Blows hammer down upon the foe. inflicting bloody wounds. Wbcn a unit ¿tuck.«, you muit lir»t pick the target unit» for tiie attack» that the model» in the unit will make, then make all of the attack«, and hnallv inflict any resulting damage on the target unit». The number of attack» a model can make ts determined hy the weapon« that it i» armed with. The weapon option« a model ha* are luted in it» de«riptx>n OCT it» war sc roll. Mindt weapon* can be u»ed in the »hooting ph*vc. and melee weapon* can be u»cd in the cotnbat phase. I he number of attack» a mode! can nuke i» equal to the Attacks characteristic for the weapon» it can u*e. PICKING TARGETS Fir«, you mu»t pick the target unit* for the attack*. In order to attack an enemy unit, an enemy model from that unit mu.«t be in range of tlie attacking weapon (ue. within the maximum distance, In Inc hew of the Range loud for the weapon making the attack), and visible to the attacker (if unturc. »toop down and get a look front behind the a:ticking mode! to »ec if the target o visible). For the purpojc» of determining visibility, an attacking model can *ee through other model* in it* unit. If a model ha* more than one attack, you con *piit them between potential target unit» a» you wi«h. If a model split* it» attack» between two or tnorc enemy unit», tcaohe all of the attack» against one unit before moving onto the next one MAKING ATTACKS Atuck* can be made one at a time. or. in «owe caw-«, you can roll the dice for attack» together. The following attack sequence;» used to make attack* one at a time 1. Hit Roll: Roll a dice. If the roll equal* or beat» the attacking weapon'« To Hit charactemtic. then it »core* a hit and you muit make a wound rolL If noi. the anaek fail» and the attack sequence end« 2. Wound Roll: Roll a dice. If the roll equal« vie beat* the attacking weapon'» To Wound characteristic, then it came» damage and the opposing player must make a save roll If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends i. Save Roll: Ihe opposing player rolls a dice, modifying the roll by the attacking weapon* Rend character,««. For example. if a weapon ha* a -1 Rend characteristic, then 1 is subtracted from the save roll. If the result equals or beats the Save characteristic of the model* in the target unit, the wound is saved and the attack sequence ends. If not. the attack is »uccevsfuL and you must determine damage on the target unit. •I. Determine Damage: Once all of the attacks made by a unit have been carried out. each successful attack inflicts a number of wound* equal to the Damage characteristic of Ihe weapon Most weapon* have a Damage characteristic of 1. but some can inilict 2 or more wound*, allowing them to cause grievous injuries to even the mightiest foe. or to cleave through more than or.c opponent with but a single blow! In order to make several attack* at once, all of the attack* mu*t have the same To Hit. lb Wound, Rend and Damage characteristic*, and mu»« be directed at the same enemy unit. If thi* i* the case, make all of the hit roll* at the same time, then all of the wound rolls, and finally all of the save rolls; then add up the total number of wound* caused. INFLICTING DAMAGE After all of the attack* made by a ur.:t have been carried out. the player commanding the target unit allocates any wound* that are inflicted to model* from the unit as they see fit (the model* do noc hxve to be within range or visible to an attacking unit). When inflicting damage, if you allocate a wound to a model, you must keep on allocating wounds to that raodd until either it i» slain, or no more wounds remain to be allocated. Once the number of wosind* sulkrcd by a model during the battle equals its Wound* characteristic. the model it »lain. Place the »lain model to one »idc - it i* removed from play. Some war scroll» include abilities that allow wounds to be healed. A healed wound no longer ha* any effect. You can't heal wounds on a model that ha* been slain. MORTAL WOUNDS Some attack* inflict mortal wound*. l>o not make hit. wound or «ave roll* for a mortal wound - jus! allocate the wounds to models from the target unit as *!c*cribed above. COVER 1/ all models in a unit are within or on a terrain feature, you can add 1 to all tm rolls for that unit to represent the cover they receive from the terrain Ihis modifier <loes not apply in the combat phase if the unit you arc making »ave* for made a charge move in the same turn. WIZARDS Ihe realms are saturated with magic, a seething source of power for those with the wit to wield it. Some model» are noted as betng a w-mrd on their war«roll You can use a wizard to cast spell* in your hero phase, and can alto use tbera to unbind »pell* in your Opponent» hero phase ¡he number of *pell* a wizard can attempt to cast or unbind each turn is detailed on its wrirscroll. CASTING SPELLS All voran!» can use the »pell» described below, at well a* any «pell« listed on their war«roU. A wiratd can «wily attempt to cast each »pell once per turn. To cat a »pdl. roll two dice. If the total i* equal to or greater than the casting vahic of the tpefl. the tpcll a tuecc**iu!Iy ca«, If a »pdl is ca«, the opposing player can choose any one of their wirard* that it within 18" of the caster, and that can see them, and attempt to unbind the spell before it* effect* arc applied. To unbind a spell, roil two dice. If the roll beats the roll u*ed to cast the »pell, then the »pelf* elfects are negated. Only one attempt can be made to unbind a »pell. ARCANE BOLT Arcane Bolt has a costing value of 5. If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 1 if of the easier and which i» v»«We to them. Ihe unit you pick suffers D3 mortal wounds. MYSTIC SHIELD Mystic Shield has a casting value of 6. If successfully cast, pick the caster, or a friendly unit within 18’ of the caster and whxh is visible to tlsetn You can add I to all *avc rolls for the unit you pick until the start of your next hero phase. THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE In a game a* detailed and wide - ranging a* Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, there may be times when you are cot sure exactly how to resolve a situation that has come up during play When this happen*, have a quick chat with your opponent, and apply the solution that make» the most sense to you both (or seems the mo« fun!). If no tingle solution present* it*df. both of you should roll a dice, and whoever rolls higher gets to choose what happen*. Then you can get on with the fighting! ■aw, wovaxf Unuatoi*
TTni\JV.r\WLL KEYWORDS * BLOOD WARRIORS Amongst the GorctWc arc those whose rage has become so intense it has possessed them entirely. Hie air shimmers around these killers, for the burning heat of their anger radiates off them as visible waves. To strike such a warrior down is no respite from his wrath, for even when mortally wounded these warriors will fight with frenzied abandon. MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound I" 2 3* 4+ ..y. —,r,. ................ Rend Damage 1 DESCRIPTION A unit of Blood Warriors can have any number of models. They are armed with Gorcaxcs and carry Gore tuts. CHAOS CHAMPION 'Ihe leader of this unit is the Chaos Champion. A Chaos Champion makes 3 attacks rather than 2. ABILITIES No Respite: If a model from this unit is slain in the combat phase, you can make a pile in move and then attack with the model before you remove it. Gorefists: Each time you make a successful save roll for a model from this unit, and the attacking unit is within I* of this unit, roll a dice. For each roll of a 6. the attacking unit suffers 1 mortal wound after all of its attacks have been made. CHAOS, MORTAL, KHORNE. BLOOD WARRIORS
KEYWORDS ORDER. CELESTIAL. HUMAN. STORMCAST ETERNAL. HERO. PRIEST. LORD RF.IICTOR LORD-RELICTOR Lord-Relictors are noble but sinister figures. Their ritual weapons and armour are replete with icons of death, for these fell guardians keep the warrior souls of the Stormcast Eternals from the gloom of the underworld. Potent healers as well as mighty warriors, their orcane powers channel the glory of Sigmar and call storms from the darkening skies. MELEE WEAPONS Attacks To Wound K- : •: Damage Ran?.c To Hit DESCRIPTION ABILITIES A Lord-Relic tor U a »Ingle model. He Lightning Storm: In your hero phase, you armed with i Relic Hiramer. can declare t hit the Lord-Relic tor will pray for a lightning storm. If you do so. pick an enemy unit that Is within 12* of this model and roll a dice. On a roll of 3 or rr.occ. the unit >ou picked suffer» D3 mortal wounds, and your opponent must subtract I from all hit rolls for the unit until your nett hero phase. A Lord-Relictor*. pray for a lightning storm and a healing storm In the same turn. Heating Storm: In ycur hero phase, you can declare that this model is praying for a healing storm. If you do so. pock a friendly model with the Stormcast Eternal keyword that is within 12* of this model and roll a dice. On a roll of 3 or more )ou can heal up to D3 wounds that have been suffered by the model that you picked. A Lofd-Rehctor cannot pray for a healing storm and a lightning storm In the same turn.
WARSCROLL LORD-CELESTANT Tic Lord-Cdcstants that lead each Stormhost arc exceptional warriors even amongst their Immortal kind. Majestic upon ttdr lightning-spitting Dracoths, Lord-Cclcstants bolster their brethren's resolve as they plunge into the thick of the -rrr With the power to ride the storm In flashes of azure light, their vengeance is both violent and Inescapable. a Avt / \ A a 1 § i MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage 1 VV+s Tempestos Hammer r 3 3* 2* •1 D3 5 A y f Dracoths Claw* and Fang* 1" 3 3» 3* -1 1 - — - * * . . Tl r v * K nr.-n-n-n^pnm t . ir - r DESCRIPTION A Lcrd-CeJesunt is a single model. He -S wsth a Tempestos Hammer and ÏS» 2 Dracoth. The Dracoth fights with its inooei Qaws and Fangs. ABILITIES \TT9c*p*Hc Vengeance: If this model sadc a charge move this turn, it 22 cake D3 extra attacks with its i Himmer. Intolerable Damage: If the wound roll for the Dracoth** Gaws and Fangs attack is 6 or more, then that attack has a Damage charactcristicof D6 rather than J. Storm Breath: You can make a storm breath attack with this model in your shooting phase. To do so. pick a point on the battlefield that is within 12* of this model. Roll a dice for each unit (friend or foe) that Is within 2* of the point that you picked. On a roll of 4 or more, the unit being idled for suffers D3 mortal wounds. COMMAND ABILITY Lord of the Host: If this model is your general and uses this ability, until your next hero phase you do not have to take battlcshock tests for this model or any friendly unit with the Stormcast Eternal key word that is within 24* of this model at the start of thcbattlcsbock phase. ORDER. CELESTIAL, HUMAN, STORMCAST ETERNAL. HERO. LORD CELESTA NT &
*OV£ KEYWORDS WARSCROLL DESCRIPTION A unit of Prosecutor* can haw any number of models. They are armed with Celestial Hammers. Celestial Hammers can be used as either a missile weapon or a melee weapon, and can be used as both In the same turn. PROSECUTOR-PRIME The leader of this unit is the Prosecutor-Prime. A Prosecutor-Prime makes 3 Melee attacks rather than 2 when he uses his Celestial Hammers as a melee weapon. FLY Prosecutors can fty. . -ÜG PROSECUTORS Prosecutors arc the svarrior-hcralds of Sigmar, and the message they bear is one of violence and retribution. Soaring upon the wings of the storm, they hurtle across the battlefield In a blur of sigmaritc. They throw hammers of magical force as they descend upon their prey, each meteoric Impact smiting the enemies of the God-King. ABILITIES Heralds of Righteousness: Roll 3 dice instead of 2 dke when determining the charge move for this unit. In addition, you can declare a charge with this unit »f It is within 18* of the enemy rather than 12*. Celestial Hammers*. You can rc-roll hit rolls of 1 far models from this unit. MISSILE WEAPONS Celestial Hammers MELEE WEAPONS Celestial Hammers To Wound To Wound Rend Rend Damage I Damage 1 ORDER, CELESTIAL, HUMAN, STORMCAST ETERNAL, PROSECUTOR Range 18- Range 1“ —r~ To Hit 4* To Hit 3+ Attacks 2 Attacks
vt гм Reatw« »T1N> t ЯЩВЧ лкЯП rroöe mtodn^t oí Sony’s luy Wifi RUSä* 1дЧГ*>} hlTTtrCrj ttty tfMththitneiMMrf ■tebxMn). *>«-,&** jicosftinj iuntoort twisotiiyn**: « loTiaOvjiMne«*!* тс loM-Moon, ЛТДОПОЛ *Л) Wtnra çcw.*! ot» Vt a>3 âiO-Л Ьпя и feil tndgro»;ntc<lh« inolfii ««f.JtfcWOO" 1«г'МК»»Ь«*лу po:«oticn liSiMiety tbj W««ratSo№» » TfelocrfÄWvajre» i nftfury ic и.лг Ht#i «cw tfc 4rtk»t< he **n-•«*»« nstjcWmiis«nai cwiAaMtn $WW2Q‘. Ít*>rrf4 fcC«n ЖНМ» ufVvtam/ вМИСГКвеяМ». 10 IheSwuna»'. rtt-'e ninceomwti recta) wfti .Tirtfcroia icipt WHITE DWAW 13
» A ItKTIttr-ftfn* 4 M4*| rfentfa) Су the fh it* d OKirMefshKi » ЕасливпЛещсМп ajrwre. met» «yw* frcni thé rtOilJ-lhè!-v«M 7 FoqKlH to«. lAeratwAMi iiul-алПгч !*wn я £жг>и«и:в’С>м»я Ül»»' IlblJJtr ■j&rjn iwrf» IftMJll V Itw »* Ю W44AX* II pv? nw ttwtt* sei MO ftern <1 en p«g» 10 ■a Uconwii now r* tan» aad ccmet nntol d tu Sunnc«t ■ i MímwAwi vwhwowr BOMt 14 lyteddSgnwjcUn II Themt(i tet nduOa rand*» is -ruf« cu! 14 Stcmcae Cetv\>«t» .WÍTFOWARí 15
I LaOCriuURtVbr&a HinwwiwnjftMiwn wwt ol S>jmjr'i MlKfc mo *e Morut Hisns i VsnXa't 9*Jw act *4n*trawMd >ron>« iTO9»otOn(Uraj. S-jnwiWrthnrv 1 The Inhere tot ind !mtm*f iyntolse Gnoi Manu aid SgmmhA» tM COT«! thM Mrs«*} Sgror'sbrJi 4 I he Dnxcli afitd Citato« •t VmJoi't swto m)i>9e5nie(№krd io ¡«nd tank« io fn Swcrfcoav THE STORMCAST ETERNALS The Stormcast Eternals arc Sigmars immortal warriors, loosed from the Celestial Realm on bolts of lightning to wage the God-Kings war on the forces of Chaos They are the storm made flesh, reformed by Sigmar’s indomitable will, armed with the greatest weapons and girded with the finest armour the smiths In the Celestial Realm of Azyr can muster. In the Warhammer Age of Sigmar starter set there are 18 plastic Stormcast Eternal miniatures: 10 Liberators who bear tower shields forged from pure sigmarite: three Rctributors. giant warriors armed with two-handed lightning hammers; three skybornc Prosecutors; the Lord-Rcllctor lonus Cryptbom: and their commander. Lord-Celestant Vandus Hammcrhand. The Stormcast Eternals are heroes all. clad from head to toe in gleaming plate armour Their visage Is that of an immortal champion, a golden mask concealing the features of the warrior that fights beneath. In their hands they clasp weapons forged with godly power, hammers cast in honour of their mighty patron, imbued with the same magic that guards their armour. Each Stormcast Eternal Is more than human, his body changed by their reforging until they tower over mortal men. 12 WHiIiOW«*
GATES OF AZVR Bu cnrtt W.'ilost Harmci | »8 ceoes 6MS of Aw a at» ivattfc n * tptcalcrfkiff) wtkav« dust ndat. ts«ss <al ccnw erd cofcu i**t j«tw) <Jrt« Vrm 3*1 Utnsry ardrto mm «Bos* For m>« mkcrttor vsl: w/MlbMtatyxcn THE GATES OF AZYR CITADEL FIGURE CASES The hour of vengeance is now! Sigmars Warriors have been unleashed upon the Realm of Fire. The Stormcast Eternals have been hurled into battle by the God-King Sigmar. charged with securing the fabled Gates of Azyr. This is the first strike in Sigmars great war of vengeance, a battle that will reverberate across the Mortal Realms. In this novella. Chris Wraight deftly retells the opening events of Warhammcr Age of Sigmar as Vandus and his Stormhost battle Korghos Khul's Gorctide for the Gate of Azyr. Beautifully written with enthralling characters and unflinching action, this book is a true companion to the boxed game, bringing to life the heroes and villains within and granting an unparalleled appreciation for who they arc and why they fight This is essential reading for the dawn of a new age. T Store your Warhammer Age of Sigmar models in safety with these glorious figure cases. While the Stormcast Eternals ride bolts of azure lightning into battle, our miniatures must make do with cars, buses and trains Make the lourncy safe, and proclaim your allegiance with these new figure cases: one emblazoned with the heraldry of the Stormcast Eternals, the other with the diabolical sigil of the Blood God. Khomc. Inside each case there are lour foam trays, each of which can hold a small army in its own right The rugged outer case, and the way the special foam holds your models snugly in place, keeps your precious miniatures safe cn route to the battle The design of the foam also makes loading and unloading your models a breeze If you want one of these for your army, act fast -they arc available while stocks last. T 22 wwn dwarf
UIARSCROLLS The warriors and creatures that battle in the Age of Sigmar are incredibly diverse, each one
' 6*1 .1 on • iBooks ARHAMMER AGE OF SIGMAR PAINTING GUIOE Capture the glorious detail on >our new models with tips from the expert Studio army painters. Bf models in the new Warhammcr Age oi Sigma r boxed set are gorgeous, and you'll » jr.r to give them the best possible paint |ob That's where the Warhammcr Age of Sgmar Painting Guide comes in Loaded •tth dear, casy-to-follow photographs and simple instructions, this 120-page guide really is the definitive resource for pa nting the new Stormcast Eternals and the Khome Bloodbound warriors of Korghos Kiwi's Goretide Alongside all the fantastic painting advice ::-:ained within, the Warhammcr Age of Sigmar Painting Guide is also loaded with • ®ew background, delving into the history and heroes of Vandus HammcrhandS Thunders trike Brotherhood and the murderous members of the Goretide. T I CITADEL PAINTS raotruck | no pages Aisa a«8114018 lor iPad the Wjtaora» äge ut S»?-o- iSririj Oax n (too taiXM n i d90t tonal Fee r*o«i rfara»<cn. «M die Apfic AMbttM 5,- Recreate the golden gleam of the Stormcast Eternals with these new Citadel paints. Ejbc glorious golden armour of the Stormcast Eternals is crying out for a resplendent paint |ob like the ones you can see in this magazine, so were delighted to present four additions to the Citadel point range Rctribulor Armour Base paint, Liberator Gold Layer paint and . Flayed One Flesh Layer paint. The gold colours arc perfect for painting the armour (of the Stormcast Eternals, while Flayed One Flesh (which veteran painters may recall was previously an Edge paint) Is great for layering up pallid, unhealthy skin tones. |ust like the new Bloodreavers t There's also a new Retrlbulor Armour «pray, which gives a fast, smooth and even golden basecoat that is perfectly colour ma'chcd to the new Base paint T ■T W-iTEfhWflF 23
Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,FB Песочница,фэндомы,gw слухи,Age of Sigmar,Miniatures (AoS)