Няшные футбольные команды / Clan Moulder :: Zombies (Wh FB) :: Kroxigor :: Ushabti :: Vampire Counts :: Lizardmen (Lizardman) :: Tomb Kings :: Skaven :: FB Other :: FB Песочница :: Blood Bowl :: Warhammer Fantasy (Warhammer FB) :: длинопост :: фэндомы

Blood Bowl FB Песочница длинопост FB Other Clan Moulder Ushabti Kroxigor Lizardmen Zombies (Wh FB) Vampire Counts ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы Skaven Tomb Kings 

Няшные футбольные команды

10 марта на Кикстартере начнется компания по сбору средств для выпуска новых няшных команд для вахи-футбола. На этот раз нежить.

Blood Bowl,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,FB Песочница,фэндомы,длинопост,FB Other,Clan Moulder,Skaven,Ushabti,Tomb Kings,Kroxigor,Lizardmen,Lizardman,Zombies (Wh FB),Vampire Counts

White Metal - 25 mm round bases
(MSRP €88)
with all Stretch Goals
•	8x Bony mated (Skeletons)
•	4x Decroc (Mummies)
•	2x Birbones (Throwers)
•	2x Lakaj (Blitzers)
This perk will get these Stretch Goals when unlocked.
x1 Antlcutles Team Marker xl Basallt x2 Antlcutles

White Metal - 25 mm round bases • 8x Zombiemals (Zombie)
with all Stretch Goals
•	2x Yoker (Ghouls)
•	2x Meatwork (Golems)
•	2x Night Hunter (Wights)
•	2x Wulf (Werewolf)
This perk will get these Stretch Goals when unlocked.
xl Necromals Team Marker	xl

White Metal - 25 mm round bases
(MSRP €88)
with all Stretch Goals
This perk will get these Stretch Goals when
x1 Deadmals Team Marker x1 Count Greebat x2 Deadmals Reroll	x7 Dr. Frankensweln
x2 Deadmals Ball	*7 lQot
•	6x Zombiemals (Zombie)
•	4x Yoker (Ghouls)
•	2x

•	6x Bampire (Vampires)
•	lx Bampire Team Marker
•	lx Bampire Balls
White Metal - 25 mm round bases • 11 x Thratt (Servants)
To add a single model to your pledge, please increase your PLEDGE TOTAL by the corresponding amount You will confirm your choices with a

Так же будет возможность докупить команды с прошлого Кика


ANTICUTIES TEAM White Metal - 25 mm round bases +€59 (MSRP €88) with all Stretch Goals • 8x Bony mated (Skeletons) • 4x Decroc (Mummies) • 2x Birbones (Throwers) • 2x Lakaj (Blitzers) This perk will get these Stretch Goals when unlocked. x1 Antlcutles Team Marker xl Basallt x2 Antlcutles Reroll x2 Antlcutles Ball xl Taxidermist xl Sandllch id a single mode! to your pledge, please Increase your PLEDGETOTAL by the corresponding amount N\\\ confirm your choices with a post-campaign pledge manager. Thank you. Decroc - it Bonymated - 4€ Birbones - 4€ STRECH GOALS FOR THIS PERK Ainticuties Balls - 2€ Ainticuties Re-Roll - 3€ Ainticuties Team Marker - 2€ ¿MU** Basalit - 6€ Taxidermist - 5c Sandlich- 7€ /////
NECROMALS TEAM White Metal - 25 mm round bases • 8x Zombiemals (Zombie) +€59 (MSRP€88) with all Stretch Goals • 2x Yoker (Ghouls) • 2x Meatwork (Golems) • 2x Night Hunter (Wights) • 2x Wulf (Werewolf) This perk will get these Stretch Goals when unlocked. xl Necromals Team Marker xl Scrokel x2 Necromals Reroll xl Owlertaker x2 Necromals Ball xl Catllch To add a single model to your pledge, please increase your PLEDGE TOTAL by the corresponding amount You will confirm your choices with a post-campaign pledge manager. Thank you! Wulf - 4€ Yoker-4€ Meatwork - 7€ Zombiemals - 4€ Night Hunter - 7c STRECH GOALS FOR THIS PERK Necromals Balls - 2€ Necromals Re-Roll - 4€ Necromals Team Marker - 2€ Owlertaker - 6e Scrokel - 6€ Catlich - 7€
DEADMALS TEAM White Metal - 25 mm round bases +€59 (MSRP €88) with all Stretch Goals This perk will get these Stretch Goals when x1 Deadmals Team Marker x1 Count Greebat x2 Deadmals Reroll x7 Dr. Frankensweln x2 Deadmals Ball *7 lQot • 6x Zombiemals (Zombie) • 4x Yoker (Ghouls) • 2x Bendodrill (Mummies) • 2x Night Hunter (Wights) • 2x Skellymal (Skeletons) To add a single modal to your pledge, please increase your PLEDGE TOTAL by the corresponding amount You will confirm your choices with a post-campaign pledge manager. Thank you. Skellimal - 4€ Night Hunter - 7* Bendodrill - 7€ Zombiemal - 4* Yoker-4€ STRECH GOALS FOR THIS PERK Deadmals Re-roll - Deadmals Balls - 2€ Deadmals Team Marker - 2€ Count Greebat - 7€ Dr. Frankenswein - 7€
• 6x Bampire (Vampires) • lx Bampire Team Marker • lx Bampire Balls BAM PI RES TEAM White Metal - 25 mm round bases • 11 x Thratt (Servants) +€59 To add a single model to your pledge, please increase your PLEDGE TOTAL by the corresponding amount You will confirm your choices with a post-campaign pledge manager. Thank you! Bampires - 4€ Bampires Ball - 3€ Bampire Marker - 2€ Thratts - 4€
Blood Bowl,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,FB Песочница,фэндомы,длинопост,FB Other,Clan Moulder,Skaven,Ushabti,Tomb Kings,Kroxigor,Lizardmen,Lizardman,Zombies (Wh FB),Vampire Counts
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Sladky Sladky 29.02.202013:07 ответить ссылка 0.0
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© AUSTEN MENGLER. 2011. LORDNETSUA.DEVIANTART.COM How Warhammer characters are made
Step 1: Take a common fantasy character
Step 2: Make him angry
Step 3: Give him a large, ornate hat