P. S. — Once a potential Rat Ogre is born, the creature is subjected to a long series of experiments intended to encourage traits that their creators favour, such as overwhelming bloodlust, mindless ferocity and unnatural loyalty. Many of them may indeed have Ogre blood in their long and varied ancestry, though none but the eldest Master Mutators could say. They generally appear to be massively over-muscled Skaven standing some 10 feet tall at the shoulder, though many of them are grossly misshapen, and may have grafts, both metal and flesh, fused to their bodies.[2] https://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Rat_Ogre
Ну во-первых, Лексиканум обычно весьма точен в вопросах Лора. Так сказать, тем и достославен. Но и на старуху бывает проруха... (Правда я это связываю скорее с заброшенностью ФБ сектора...)
Во-вторых, мне стоило сначала всё-таки прочитать ВСЮ статью прежде чем цитировать...: Bonebreaker breed: This variant strain is created by submerging the Ogre in a vat filled with growth agents to create a hunched beast with a massively over developed upper body. A platform is then attached to its back to allow a Skaven Warlord to ride atop it. [3a]
Поэтому те самые крысоогрихи - это банально женщины огров сшитые с крысой
P. S. — Once a potential Rat Ogre is born, the creature is subjected to a long series of experiments intended to encourage traits that their creators favour, such as overwhelming bloodlust, mindless ferocity and unnatural loyalty. Many of them may indeed have Ogre blood in their long and varied ancestry, though none but the eldest Master Mutators could say. They generally appear to be massively over-muscled Skaven standing some 10 feet tall at the shoulder, though many of them are grossly misshapen, and may have grafts, both metal and flesh, fused to their bodies.[2]
Вот тебе скрин текст из армибука Скавенов
Но и на старуху бывает проруха... (Правда я это связываю скорее с заброшенностью ФБ сектора...)
Во-вторых, мне стоило сначала всё-таки прочитать ВСЮ статью прежде чем цитировать...:
Bonebreaker breed: This variant strain is created by submerging the Ogre in a vat filled with growth agents to create a hunched beast with a massively over developed upper body. A platform is then attached to its back to allow a Skaven Warlord to ride atop it. [3a]
В третьих, спасибо большое за скрин!