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Broke realms


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FB Map FB Other Кликабельно Empire (Wh FB) Vampire Counts Dark Elves High Elves Lizardmen Bretonnia Tomb Kings ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

Карты Мира Warhammer Fantasy Battles на русском языке

tlrtpúlf к u й IP At А рос. CypOCU4U 4 fdpct ,OAT M»CpUUC.I а л ьнее ç*j£wtyvb<1 A\ О ЦиТо^^Лс ¿Л'мрбкй 1 S Çr Бс|ре^ ^ /.Agi b?*? . Ч' : ‘ \ Î3 $- 2% V 4 7 w V HiOMIAliPâ ^ • 3&f 1 §llh ü^# # Jp^ ["V * и ^ — * ■ к 4fc; ■ w l p| • V 4 * ^-, 5/4 SL нГ *Дп zi !>.»c»aic

аЬит-ил иаеш цНвв Л\ о и\и О уХДерТбых 'ШО ллиль,FB Map,FB Other,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Кликабельно,Empire (Wh FB),Vampire Counts,Dark Elves,High Elves,Lizardmen,Lizardman,Bretonnia,Tomb Kings

<\\о I цлнмШ->1е ходм;>1 чрасна» иусТыняЧ^ хеылл ;v4. Vv,FB Map,FB Other,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Кликабельно,Empire (Wh FB),Vampire Counts,Dark Elves,High Elves,Lizardmen,Lizardman,Bretonnia,Tomb Kings

/McWN'AtóJí' дан Цакба JKyaÎAjr *v дканические осТроба - #,FB Map,FB Other,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Кликабельно,Empire (Wh FB),Vampire Counts,Dark Elves,High Elves,Lizardmen,Lizardman,Bretonnia,Tomb Kings

Куроннские (ЗолоТсх они ПроклЛлг Бала Та 3UААОН ncxcl TI а рра^он UOHN fei ^Лрлцна WU/U?,FB Map,FB Other,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Кликабельно,Empire (Wh FB),Vampire Counts,Dark Elves,High Elves,Lizardmen,Lizardman,Bretonnia,Tomb Kings

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'NtfT // Ж // fr i'll, "'л ( /,FB Map,FB Other,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Кликабельно,Empire (Wh FB),Vampire Counts,Dark Elves,High Elves,Lizardmen,Lizardman,Bretonnia,Tomb Kings

 ч ^Ivcîpuib ’Нл2<\кил \\мые Тонн ;Н сх^смьмхззсхр Ж icLv + PûÔHuHû fck- ¡IL ^°g 1НлЛЧ ^'Xogutcvi ^ У* +. A k. W V Косîe tv N i 4 lpC**< m*wWj HV? L v kJV *ÏW* -x\ L4UÍ ? ^ ' > K. 4 Y V JF- e >4k. Kapa^ Oppyp Гopo Kfea^iae FF U ;'<o / Нулшс y ^ о f ]\а<\*ё\Я } opa

3nît?к; pyuwb алл ДАонолиТы уМерТбых ^олс лаку а _70Л0Та^ \3атня Boz-o сияли Я Schumi ¿Болтуд rU?U.\^J рЫ С о^ка ал\ СЛаТуи -сТр 1^\аТлан Ли\Л'о,FB Map,FB Other,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Кликабельно,Empire (Wh FB),Vampire Counts,Dark Elves,High


Total War Warhammer FB Games FB Other FB Песочница Kostaltyn Kislev Cathay Ogre Kindoms Skrag the Slaughterer Greasus Goldtooth ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

Campaign map flyover


Cathay Miao Ying ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Cathay,Miao Ying,Мяо Ин,

Bretonnia Miniatures (Wh FB) ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

Warhammer Day 2023 для старого мира

Герцог/Барон/Знаменосец на пегасе (в пластике)

Bretonnia,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Miniatures (Wh FB)
 WARHAMMERDAY 2023,Bretonnia,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Miniatures (Wh FB)
WARHAMMERDAY 2023 KINGDOM OF BRETONNIA BARON ON ROYAL PEGASUS,Bretonnia,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Miniatures (Wh FB)
KINGDOM OF BRETONNIA BATTLE STANDARD BEARER ON ROYAL PEGASUS,Bretonnia,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Miniatures (Wh FB)
Пешие рыцари (в пластике):
 pppyjl _ >P. 11 , ' ... KINGDOM OF BRETONNIA KNIGHTS OF THE REALM ON FOOT,Bretonnia,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Miniatures (Wh FB)
 ==C ' KINGDOM OF BRETONNIA KNIGHTS OF THE REALM ON FOOT ONLINE! WARHAMMERDAY 2023,Bretonnia,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Miniatures (Wh FB)
KNIGHTS OF THE REALM ON FOOT №>£>.>-.,Bretonnia,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Miniatures (Wh FB)

Возвращение древнего смоляного зла:
 •-. л*'. **. г '.,Bretonnia,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Miniatures (Wh FB)
Bretonnia,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Miniatures (Wh FB)
Bretonnia,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Miniatures (Wh FB)
KlflPSPFa-' yapm**® KINGDOM OF BRETONNIA MEN-AT-ARMS,Bretonnia,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Miniatures (Wh FB)
KINGDOM OF BRETONNIA PEASANT BOWMEN,Bretonnia,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Miniatures (Wh FB)
Bretonnia,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Miniatures (Wh FB)
Bretonnia,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Miniatures (Wh FB)

Archaon Everchosen Chaos (Wh FB) Abaddon the Despoiler Chaos (Wh 40000) Warhammer 40000 wh humor Wh Other FB Humor FB Other ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

Chad 'Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse' Virgin 'Warmaster of Chaos' Mortal son of the first Daemon Prince; made Be'lakor lick his boots and crown him Everchosen Took less than ten years to end the world in a single invasion Ends the world because he hates the Gods and Be'lakor and wants to see


Sylvaneth Grand Alliance Order Age of Sigmar koboldart ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

Sylvaneth,Grand Alliance Order,Age of Sigmar,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,koboldart


Дисней мем FB Песочница artist Helluva Boss Wh Crossover twitter watermark Khorne Tzeentch ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы Warhammer 40000 Disciples of Tzeentch Chaos (Wh 40000) Мультфильмы Wh Other VivzieVerse Age of Sigmar Grand Alliance Chaos Chaos (Wh FB) спизжено с twitter Beauty and the Beast теги-хуеги Daemons of Tzeentch Красавица и чудовище Daemons of Khorne bloodletter little Fernanda спиздил Daemons of Chaos много тегов Beauty and the Beast (Disney) мемасы спизжено 

"Как ты ее читаешь? Здесь же нет картинок!"

QlittleFernanda,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Beauty and the Beast (Disney),Дисней,Disney,Мультфильмы,мем,мемасы,bloodletter,Daemons of Khorne,Daemons of Chaos,Chaos (Wh FB),Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,FB Песочница,Daemons of Tzeentch,Disciples of


Slaves to Darkness Grand Alliance Chaos Age of Sigmar Darkoath AoS News Miniatures (AoS) ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

GW отреагировало на фальстартный слив новых миниаютр для Рабов

Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed
Кocking a very on-trend off-the-shoulder fur coat – all the better to flex his pecs with – it’s the Darkoath Chieftain. An avid collector of mouldering heads, this guy is as good at fighting as he is at ignoring the smell of decaying flesh. He’s a grim reflection of the Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal, who’s clearly too puny to enter battle without both shoulders draped in armour.

The Chieftain has numerous options – he comes with three heads, plus two for his steed and a choice of sword or axe. Whatever headgear you choose, a magnificent mane of hair cascades manfully yet artfully down that rippling bare shoulder of his.

 WARHAMMER COMMUNITY,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Slaves to Darkness,Grand Alliance Chaos,Age of Sigmar,Darkoath,AoS News,Miniatures (AoS)

The all-pervasive allure of Chaos is too strong for some Darkoath heroes to resist, and the Wilderfiend is what becomes of a powerful mortal champion whose ambitions outstripped their abilities. They earned the enmity of their dark patrons for breaking one of their oaths, and were changed forever as a result.

Each tribe is watched over by the Wilderfiends they once called kin – they are both monsters and sentinels, who must be satiated with sacrifices and trophies. Perhaps their greatest shame, however, is that their once lustrous locks have been shorn forever by the cruelties of their transfiguration.

Wilderfiends are – both literally and figuratively – beasts in combat, setting about with their flesh-tearing maw and razor-sharp claws. The miniature comes with a cavalcade of cosmetic choices, including heads, tusks, trophies, and horns. These are not friendly fellows.

Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Slaves to Darkness,Grand Alliance Chaos,Age of Sigmar,Darkoath,AoS News,Miniatures (AoS)

Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Slaves to Darkness,Grand Alliance Chaos,Age of Sigmar,Darkoath,AoS News,Miniatures (AoS)

Below the mighty heroes and monstrous failures of the Darkoath tribes are a bevy of fearsome mortals jockeying for glory and fighting for their families. These are the Marauders, musclebound men and women with salon-quality hair and relatively few clothes. Let the Freeguild Steelhelms keep their stuffy jerkins and breastplates – the Darkoath worked for these gains, and they’re going to show them off.

Darkoath Marauders can wield spears or a variety of one-handed raider weapons, and they may be joined by a champion, musician, and icon bearer. There are five male bodies and five female, with over a dozen shields and 30 different heads to make each raiding force unique.

Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Slaves to Darkness,Grand Alliance Chaos,Age of Sigmar,Darkoath,AoS News,Miniatures (AoS)

Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Slaves to Darkness,Grand Alliance Chaos,Age of Sigmar,Darkoath,AoS News,Miniatures (AoS)

Darkoath Fellriders
Horse masks are very in this season, and the Darkoath Fellriders are cantering into view with some of the finest equine accessories in all the Mortal Realms. Fellriders ditch the clunky armour of Freeguild Cavaliers, instead operating as light cavalry who soften the tribe’s enemies up with a volley or two of javelins, or charge in to finish them off with lethal broadswords.

This is a versatile kit with a variety of heads, shields, peytrals, and horsey face-masks, plus a choice of javelins or blades for the whole unit – and parts to build a champion, a musician, and an icon bearer.

Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Slaves to Darkness,Grand Alliance Chaos,Age of Sigmar,Darkoath,AoS News,Miniatures (AoS)

Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Slaves to Darkness,Grand Alliance Chaos,Age of Sigmar,Darkoath,AoS News,Miniatures (AoS)

Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Slaves to Darkness,Grand Alliance Chaos,Age of Sigmar,Darkoath,AoS News,Miniatures (AoS)


Total War Warhammer FB Games FB Other Kislev Khorne (Wh FB) Chaos (Wh FB) ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы 

В сеть утек возможный постер Total War: Warhammer III

Total War Warhammer,FB Games,FB Other,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,Kislev,Khorne (Wh FB),Chaos (Wh FB)

Total War Warhammer 3 FB Games FB Video Astragoth Ironhand Sorceror-Prophets Chaos Dwarf Lords Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss Chaos Dwarf Warriors Bull Centaurs Great Taurus (Wh FB) ...Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы FB Other Chaos Dwarfs Hobgoblins (Wh FB) Hellcannon Gorduz Backstabber Zhatan the Black Drazhoath the Ashen K'daai Iron Daemon (Wh FB) Lammasu 

 "Мы превратим этот мир в наши владения; в земли покрытые пеплом и почерневшими костями наших врагов. Мы будем сражаться до тех пор, пока не останется ничего, кроме скорчившихся тел у наших ног."  — Астрагот Железнорук

 13 апреля 3 легендарных лорда и 1 легендарный героический хобгоблин вольются в общий хаос третьей TW:W. 

 Больше о верховном жреце Хашута тут: www.totalwar.com/blog/tww3_thechaosdwarfs_astragoth/

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